Eu am norocul sa se fi strans o lista de aproape 200 de posibili donatori care asteapta doar un semn atunci cand as avea nevoie. Citeam insa azi, pe acelasi blog isabellelorelai de cazurile unor copii cu grupe rare de sange care au nevoie de transfuzii. Si ma gandeam ca cei din lista de donatori care au aceste grupe rare le-ar face un bine mult mai mare acestor copii decat mie donand direct pentru ei atunci cand au nevoie. Ce ziceti, voi cei care aveti B III RH-, AB IV RH+ ? Am extras din postul de pe blog cele 3 cazuri cu grupe rare. Sunt acolo toate datele de contact de care aveti nevoie. Vorbiti direct cu parintii si donati pentru acei copii atunci cand au nevoie.
Iata cele 3 cazuri:
Tine-ne la curent cu ce se mai intampla si cu lucrurile de care mai afli. Cazurile astea sunt impresionante…
Multa sanatate!
Thanks for the comment on my blog. It has been a long year…that's for sure. I understand exactly what you're going through. I hope your doctors are keeping you informed well. The internet holds a wealth of information out there. And you're more than welcome to ask me any questions you might have.
As you might have read, I had a bone marrow transplant in May of this year. Which, is a lot bigger, fancier word for blood transfusion. Because, at the end of the day, that's all it was.
I'm still not quite 100%, but I'm back to work full-time and able to do most of the things I want. I'll be making a new blog post today on my progress.
Again, I wish you good health, and if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask.
~Jonathon (
I forgot to tell you I'm from Romania and that's why you probably didn't understand a word from by blog.
How should I contact you? By writing on your blog? Or maybe using a more direct way like email, im, facebook?
Hello Daniel!
I hope to be one of your new "friends" from Indiana! I work with Jonathon and have known him for many years. He is my best friend and I love him a lot. I hope that you feel free to contact any of us that have posted on Jonathon's blog. We are all ready to get behind you in this fight that you are facing. I am on the Bone Marrow Donor list, as many of us are. If you get to that point in your treatment, my hope is that one of us will be to give you the chance that Jonathon was given through his transplant. It is going to be a long road, but you will be able to get through it! You will remain in my thoughts……
Prima Donna
Thank you for the kind words Donna. She has been a fierce friend through all this.
I'm sorry I didn't see your response sooner. You can contact me by email if you like. (That's probably the easiest way. And I check that pretty often.) My email is [email protected]
You can comment on my blog if you like too. I get notified pretty quickly when someone comments on there.
No worries about translating the blog. I used and it worked real well!
I'll look forward to hearing from you!
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